Power up with Tourmalinated Quartz
Power up with Tourmalinated Quartz
Powerful natural combination of clear quartz and tourmaline shards.
The clear quartz enhances the energy of tourmaline making it more powerful than on its own.
Tourmaline is known as a black ninja of crystals because of the way it fights of negativity. Many people sleep with the tourmaline next to them and let all the stress of the day get absorbed into the tourmaline. It acts as a sponge but only if it is cleaned regularly will it do its job properly. These need cleaning more often than other crystals.
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
crystal cards and care instructions included.
Root Chakra
Fears and anxiety is a sign of a weak root chakra. Strengthen the foundation for improvement in health and fearlessness. A strong root chakra connects to Mother Earth making you unshakable and getting affected by situations in your environment
Colour: Red, Black