Balance emotions with Peach Moonstone
Balance emotions with Peach Moonstone
Peach Moonstone brings soothing relief to emotional issues, such as depression or anger. Heals any menstrual or womb issues, anything in the sacral chakra area. Calms any emotional imbalance during the time of the month.
Make it powerful by pairing it with Labradorite to ease any PMS or tension at that time.
Supports the heart as it stimulates the mind, soothing worry or anxiety, and bringing out the best in people. Its loving energy promotes the Divine in all situations.
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
crystal cards and care instructions included.
Sacral Chakra
The water element, that should always go with the flow and not become stagnant. The pleasure and creative force that gives you passion and energy. Life can become very dull and boring if this chakra is low on energy and if its too high can become destructive and energy draining.
Colour: Orange